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About Dr. Purity Gitonga

Dr Purity Gitonga is a practising professional coach and trainer at the Ascend International Training and Coaching firm in Kenya.


Purity delivers executive training courses on Ethics & Integrity in the Workplace, Good Corporate Governance, Ethical Leadership, Professionalism, Servant Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, Human Resource Management and Pedagogies of learning and training.

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Prior to delving in consultancy, Dr. Purity served at the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission for about 17 years as the first Head of the National Integrity Academy (NIAca); head of Education, Training and Public Awareness (ETPA); Human Resource Management and the Kenya Leadership and Integrity Forum (KLIF) . Purity was the brains behind the establishment of the National Integrity Academy (NIAca, 2014- 2021). 


- The Pan African Award of the Most Influential Women (MIW) - October 2018 by CEO Global.  

- A feature in Parents Magazine on ‘Championing Ethics and Character Education’

- Several TV and radio appearances on Gender and Governance topics.


Dr. Gitonga is widely trained in matters of ethics, governance, leadership, policy development and anti-corruption by reputable institutions, including:


- Marquette University/Les Aspin Centre USA

- Commonwealth Programme in Loughborough University

- S.A.L.T Institute;  Haggai Institute -Hawaii USA

- Negev Institute (Israel)

- ESAMI (Tanzania & Uganda), Kenya School of Government

- Administrative Control Authority (ACA) of Egypt

- OECD Italy Tax Academy and OECD Tax Academy Africa 


Dr. Purity Gitonga also holds a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in    Business Administration from the University of Nairobi (UoN), a  Master’s Degree in Education Administration and Planning from UoN and a Bachelor’s Degree from Kenyatta University.

Our Happy Clients

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Kengen Employee

"Dr. Purity Gitonga disseminated the subject of Ethics and Decision making in a unique way. It is now clear how to apply it at our workplaces and social settings. She made the topics easy and palatable to understand and finished our sessions powerfully. Thank you from the Heartfelt Cohort team."

ACCA Staff member

"Dr. Purity Gitonga's delivery was exceptional."

Girls for Girls Trainee

“Thank you so much for gracing our session and sharing your story with us. We appreciate your efforts towards encouraging ethical leadership and nurturing future female leaders.”
From the Shariff Nassir Cohort
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